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toothless smile
-about 60 thousand tons of bombs dropped on Gaza since 7TH October 2023, the equivalent of six atomic bombs and the equivalent of the quantity of bombs dropped during the second world war!!!!(Until the beginning of November 2024)!
-some philosophers inside the western civilized block!! Promoted the final solution used by Nazis in order to finish the job vis-à-vis Palestinian people,
-this co called western democratic block is politically religiously influenced by these old and outdated religious books and texts of old testament and the bible ,in which the ethnic cleansing is recommended against innocent people (babies, children, girls who can be raped …etc. );it is unbelievable to see the civilized west !!! Controlled manipulated by such dark religious ideologies.
-almost no one in the west remember the nine eleven of chili in which a democratically president and government elected by people was debunked by USA using a putsch ,the same against the Iranian president Mossadak, and recently against Ukraine in 2014 in which a government , a parliament and a president elected by people were washed away by the so called revolution fomented by USA against Ukrainian people and their institutions; these western regimes lead by USA ,turned unfortunately Ukraine into a huge political brothel ;and into a real brothel serving western dirty regimes ,and a huge house of pedophilia providing sick western regimes with children to molest and rape .
-Orange agent was used by USA against the Vietnamese people, this war had slaughtered about three million innocent people, millions crippled and handicapped, by the so called sophisticated bombs, not to mention those killed under torture and or lamed, besides millions of hectares of forest completely damaged, the fauna and flora had paid a heavy price during this barbarian war imposed on Vietnamese people by western block.
-I do not think in west we can speak about the free elections as most of western politicians especially in USA England Germany and France are manipulated by lobbies ,even though people choose their politicians these politicians don’t listen to people once in power ,but the follow religiously and blindly what these lobbies told them to do and say, regardless of what people think ;in west the people choose their politicians but without being able to controlling them, for example during the holocaust of Gaza ,in general western people wanted just a cease fire but those in power snubbed their people and their proposition.
-besides these western regimes of human rights and the freedom of speech, the take their people for fools, for example when Apstein was assassinated in the prison highly and hermitically surveyed!!! ,the authorities in USA come up with a version even the mentally retarded could not believe in ,this version is saying this convicted person had committed a suicide ,even under the presence of guards and cameras ,they guards were sleepy this day (unfortunately the did not drink sufficient amount of coffee ) ,as for the cameras the cause invented was, these cameras broke down ????, I think even a movie of science fiction could not trump up such fanciful scenario.
-two persons used to work in Boeing company had being killed because they have uncovered the mismanagement inside this famous company ,these two whistleblowers ,,very likely had paid the price of being too expressive about what’s going on inside this aerial famous company.
-we can give many examples proving that the western democracy is just a huge scam; lying to people and manipulating them, are a part of the political program used by these western regimes, using their huge western media machine and its spreading tentacles: