-The Americans were the first to go to the moon.
-the Americans who went to the moon picked up stones for study and souvenir !!!.
-the first twelve men who walked on the moon were Americans.
-This has whetted the appetite of Soviet Union yesterday and Russia today in addition to China and India to send their crew to the moon ,while Brazil, Europe, Japan orbit around the moon.
-But the conquest of space is not only the affair of the states, it has also become the business of private companies, wanting their share of cake ;Spacex of Elon Musk wants to send humans on Mars by 2024 ; Richard Bronson’s company ,Virgin Galactic wants to organise trips to space ; Amazon’s CEO with his company Blue Origin want to place men on the moon to found lunar colonies ;These private companies want to consolidate their business by competing with state space agencies .
– having a space technology means that you have the ability to strike everywhere with ballistic missiles, hence the fear towards Iranian space technologies.
-USA has dedicated more than tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of staff working steadfastly to go to the moon in 1969.
– China begins to explore the hidden face of the moon by sending out space equipment, the hidden face of the moon has been flown by other powers and never explored.
– in terms of ranking USA is in the first place, Russia ,China Europe next.
-the gravity of the moon is 6 times less than of the earth, so it takes 40 times less energy to take off from the moon, the moon can be used as a take-off hub to other planets .
-Some hope that collaboration in space can avoid conflict between states !!
-between 400 km and 36 000 km from the earth, this is the place where satellites can be placed in orbit, it is a fruitful business ,hence private companies are working to have their share of the cake .
– China on January 11, 2007 destroyed its own satellite by a guided missile, this is a way to show its power and flex its muscles in the space .