-The Moroccan government is creating a unified social register that is a national system of social net that allows to distribute the state aid to those who deserve to receive it, and to bury once for all the fund of compensation, which was intended to keep prices low in the market and avoid inflation.
-Unfortunately, this famous compensation fund (5 billions dollars in 2014)benefits both the rich and the poor, since two-thirds of the money spent on this fund goes to the pockets of the rich because they are the ones who consume more, for example they consume more gasoline. subsidized by the state since they have more cars while the poor will never have a car throughout their life ,we can say the same thing about gas canisters .
-But why not take the wealth tax as a criterion to target the beneficiaries, it is easier to count the rich than to identify the poor, which are more numerous, but some say there are several ways to hide the incomes, so in Morocco the wealth tax can do nothing to solve this problem.
-Moreover, how can people who sleep in the streets and black workers be registered, while these reforms are aimed at households, and even the census of the poor will be difficult in Morocco.
-the middle class has almost disappeared in Morocco, so these so-called help will inevitably go to all Moroccans, the question is whether these ‘helps’ will satisfy those who will receive them ?, given the high cost of the life, and financial mediocrity of help .
– in addition , the bad example of ‘RAMED’ (system of government medical aid) that does not shine by its success, given the corruption that corrupts this system of medical aid which targets eight million beneficiaries, this example is a criterion which predicts the failure of government to carry out the compensation fund reform successfully .
-some say why not take the example of certain countries like Brazil or other countries in the West to carry out these reforms intelligently .
-the greatest absent of these reforms is the rural world which is the most vulnerable, because it counts much more on the rain than on the government, whereas the rain in Morocco is like the casino games.
-reformwise , instead of stigmatizing the vulnerable classes by classifying them in a register, why not consider these state aids, are only the taxes of these vulnerable classes, and these taxes return to their pockets (the vulnerable classes) since logically a poor person does not have to pay taxes at all, when in fact the vulnerable social classes pay them all the time either direct or indirect taxes.
-with no ambiguity this showcase the incapacity of Moroccan politicians to even imagine words and terms to describe a situation well, they spend all their time copying and pasting laws from foreign countries, whereas they are copiously payed, to at least do their lawmaking work almost normally.